Grove – 16-Channel PWM Driver (PCA9685) is a 12-bit PWM driver based on the NXP PCA9685 and can drive up to 16 servos with an external power supply of 5V.
1 MHz Fast-mode Plus compatible I2C-bus
6 hardware address pins allow 62 PCA9685 devices to be connected to the same I2C-bus
Low standby current
Noise filter on SDA/SCL inputs
Based on NXP PCA9685, this is a 16-Channel 12-bit I2C PWM driver. Grove - 16-Channel PWM Driver (PCA9685) can drive up to 16 servos with external power supply. Have you ever felt anxious because of the limited number of development board PWM output interfaces? Then this will help you!
Based on the features of NXP PCA9685, this PWM driver board can well meet the needs of multi-channel PWM projects, such as a hexapod walker. Additionally, you can use this board as a LED controller. You can easily control this driver board through the I2C Grove interface.
6 hardware address pins allow 62 PCA9685 devices to be connected to the same I2C-bus
There are 16 groups of Pins(1 - 16) on this board, each group of pins contains one PWM signal pin, one 5V power supply pin and one pin for ground.
The 6 selectable address pads on the back of this board, all have 64 optional and individual I2C addresses.
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Grove – 16-Channel PWM Driver (PCA9685) is a 12-bit PWM driver based on the NXP PCA9685 and can drive up to 16 servos with an external power supply of 5V.