The USB TinyShield lets you connect your TinyDuino via a micro-USB connector. It uses the very popular FTDI FT231X USB to Serial converter IC (as used on most standard Arduino models). Using this board allows you to download new sketches via the Arduino IDE to your TinyDuino, and also allows you to add USB communication capabilities to your projects. This board supports RX and TX status LEDs so you can visualize the serial traffic to and from your TinyDuino.
The USB TinyShield is available in two variations on where the USB cable can plug in. Most TinyShields are square, which makes plugging in the USB cable simple to do at any angle. However, there are some TinyShields that are not square, so depending on their dimensions this can make plugging in the USB cable difficult. For example: the WiFi TinyShield is long, so a side mount version of the USB connector works best for this. The TinyScreen is wide, which works best with the top mount version of the USB connector.
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