The MAX6969 serial-interfaced LED driver provides 16 open-drain, constant-current-sinking LED driver outputs rated at 5.5V. The MAX6969 operates from a 3V to 5.5V supply. The MAX6969 supply and the LEDs' supply or supplies can power up in any order. The constant-current outputs are programmed together to up to 55mA using a single external resistor. The MAX6969 operates with a 25Mb, industry-standard, 4-wire serial interface.
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The MAX6969 serial-interfaced LED driver provides 16 open-drain, constant-current-sinking LED driver outputs rated at 5.5V. The MAX6969 operates from a 3V to 5.5V supply. The MAX6969 supply and the LEDs' supply or supplies can power up in any order. The constant-current outputs are programmed together to up to 55mA using a single external resistor. The MAX6969 operates with a 25Mb, industry-standard, 4-wire serial interface.